On the 20th and 21st of June 2021, the Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF) organized the national Multiplier Sport Event for dissemination of the EuPEO Project under the theme: Quality Physical Education after the Pandemic – experiences, opportunities, and monitoring. The aim of the event was to disseminate the project, its’ main results, and outputs among Hungarian stakeholders for education and sport. To accomplish the purpose of this final project event, HSSF promoted its online meeting and invited all relevant stakeholders to participate in the online meeting. To accomplish the purpose of this final project event, HSSF promoted its online meeting and invited all relevant stakeholders to participate in the online meeting.

At the closing dissemination event, not only parents and teachers were present, but also numerous other relevant stakeholders for sport and physical educations (i.e. principals, heads of PE, university professors and heads of departments, etc), who have been introduced to facilitate the use of EuPEO process and data for the purpose of improving the PE and SS quality and to widen the EuPEO scope and internationalization.

The Association Suisse d’Education Physique and the Swiss National Office of Sport organized the EuPEO National Event at the end of May. Several thematic were discussed regarding the development of Physical Education Switzerland, the QIMS evaluation and monitoring program, the national observatory for Physical activity and sport, and the link between EuPEO and the existing monitoring tools in Switzerland. 

EuPEO project was presented to other national institutional partners and Prof. Roland Naul, the representative of a Germany EuPEO partner, shared their experience implementing EuPEO. The discussion panel was impressed with the potentialities and richness of the EuPEO data by following the results of the students in the last school year as an indicator for PE and health.

Please consult the Suisse MSE program and presentations to understand the discussion and implementation of the EuPEO  Project in Switzerland.

The Faculty of Sport - University of Ljubljana organized its presential Multiplier Sport Event (MSE) of EuPEO on August 27th 2020. In this event were present 37 participants from different regions of the country.

The Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon and the Portuguese Society of Physical Education (SPEF) organized the national MSE on April 28th and 29th, from 5 pm to 7 pm, following a strategy that allowed the organization of two moments of presentation and discussion of the EuPEO project and its' pilot results. On the first day of the event, open to a broader audience (91 PE teachers, researchers, stakeholders) the EuPEO project was presented and appreciated by a roundtable of different stakeholders reflecting on the potential and challenges of implementing EuPEO at the national level. On the second day, a workshop was organized for the EuPEO participants that explored and evaluated the instruments and it´s potential to generate relevant information to support the decision-making process.

Please consult the Portuguese MSE program and presentation to understand the discussion and implementation of the EuPEO  Project in Portugal. 

Portuguese MSE Record [link]

In Germany, the original Event`s structure (presential participation) had to be changed due to COVID-19 regulations not allowing physical meetings. To raise the number of participants and not violate the pandemic's strong policy rules in Germany, the project partners responsible (WGI &DSLV) for organizing decided to organize the National Event of dissemination of the EuPEO Project in an online format. The Willibald Gebhardt Research Institute (WGI) and the German Physical Education Teacher Association (DSLV)  organised the German MSE on March 17th, from 4 to 6 pm, to present the EuPEO Instruments and evaluate its' usability. Were present 17 participants in this event. The participant perceptions on the EuPEO instruments' usability were a positive remark of this event. In the near future, the German team for EuPEO intends to hold a broader face-to-face event that allows the presentation and discussion of the future European Physical Education Observatory. 

University College Cork (UCC), the EuPEO project partner from Ireland, implemented an online asynchronous recorded multiplier stakeholder event (MSE) at the end of June 2021, specifically in respect of upholding the existing school-based COVID-19 protocol for Ireland. This recording was shared with the Physical Education Association of Ireland (PEAI) to subject association members (Qualified Physical Education Teachers at Secondary School Level). Irish MSE for EuPEO will be offered to Irish schools through the PEAI network channel during the commencement of the next 2021-22 school year. In the interim period, the Irish partners at UCC distributed this asynchronous recorded MSE weblink more locally to Irish participating stakeholders.

The Syndicate Nationale d' Éducation Physique and the University of Strasbourg jointly organized the  French national MSE on March 29th to deliver a one-day conference that would allow bringing the EuPEO tools into dialogue with other thematic frameworks for the analysis of the quality physical education. The French MSE organization also aimed to showcase the EuPEO instrument's potential and submit it to an evaluation by the event's thirty tow participants, Physical Education Teachers, researchers, and stakeholders.  

The Czech Society of PE teachers and the Faculty of Physical Culture Palacký University in Olomouc jointly organised the 12th of May 2021 event to deliver a one-day conference “European Physical Education Observatory – possibilities for practical usage” organised as a professional training activity for PE teachers and coordinators as including PE researchers, PE teacher´s trainers, experts to present the EuPEO Manual and the EuPEO Toolkit. The event focused on methodological dimensions and results obtained throughout the project, as well as a training workshop for teachers on EuPEO TIM and another for researchers and experts focused on EuPEO MEA. The Czech MSE organization also aimed to showcase student’s learning in PE as well as their knowledge and understanding in different category titles related to PE and HEPA in schools.

On June 11th 2021, the European Physical Education Association (EUPEA) organized, with the support of Syndicat National de l'Education Physique (SNEP), the International Multiplier Sport Event for dissemination of the EuPEO Project under the theme: Monitoring Quality Physical Education by EuPEO.  The aim of the event was to disseminate the project, its’ main results, and outputs among European policymakers for education and sport, but also among EUPEA country members. To accomplish the purpose of this final project event, EUPEA promoted its board meeting in the following days so EUPEA national members would be able to participate in a face-to-face format.

At the EuPEO IMSE were present European policymakers for sport and education and representatives from relevant international NGOs to facilitate the use of the EuPEO process and data for the purpose of improving Physical Education and School Sport quality and to widen the EuPEO scope and internationalization. The event was planned by EUPEA, FMH, SPEF, and SNEP according to the “EuPEO Project” guidelines.

Considering the current pandemic context, the EuPEO International Multiplier Event was organized in a face-to-face format and retransmitted in an online format to enhance a greater and more equitable range of information for participants. There was not a participation fee for both formats of participation.


International Multiplier Sport Event Records 

Presentation of the EuPEO Project [link] - Password: EqPGDvd9

Illustration of the Potential of the European Manual for External Monitoring – MEA [link] - Password: jYVNpmV3

Illustration of the Potential of the European Toolkit for Internal Monitoring – TIM [link] - Password: EpMKH32m

Illustration of comparative exploitation of the EuPEO data [link] -  Password: vGhnxKM3

Guests panel to present their perspectives on EuPEO (external stakeholders) [link] - Password: tFufuHT9